Motif Events
1455 Estes Ave
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
1(888) 883.6250
Las Vegas, Nevada
HBI International is one of Motif’s very first clients. For the 2016 NACS event in Atlana, Georgia their goal was to continue building significant momentum in the C-store market. They also wanted promote their partnership with Clipper, one of the world’s largest lighter companies and they invited them as a co-op exhibitor in the space.
Rolling Papers and Lighters go together inherently – but this was not the case with the very different brands that would be exhibiting in the same space once the co-op was announced.
Motif’s actualized solution married the two very distinct companies and color schemes and product display needs with unifying architecture and custom shaped .
We let each brand keep it’s own identify and divided the space equally and clearly, however, the end solution felt very connected.
The space was defined by unique tension fabric canopies that connected with large curved SEG panels to create seamless mural walls with style. Beautiful custom show cases and cabinetry provided each client with ample, well lit display areas for their wide variety of products.
HBI International was among our very first clients, we’ve watched them grow and grow and grow and along the way we’ve collaborated on some amazing deliveries while developing relationships that feel like family.
HBI embraces creativity and isn’t afraid to have fun and go big.