Motif Events
1455 Estes Ave
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
1(888) 883.6250
Chicago, IL
At Pack Expo in Chicago, Heat and Control was looking to reinforce its status as a global leader in food processing and packaging. The objective was to captivate industry pros, highlight their innovative technology, and demonstrate their commitment to efficiency and sustainability in the production landscape.
The Heat and Control exhibit represented one of the largest and most unmistakable show floor footprints in Pack Expo history. The layout was strategically designed to combine function with high-impact visual appeal. With such a massive exhibit, Motif Events designers decided to featured towering pillars branded with clear, powerful labels such as “Processing,” “Packaging,” and “Conveying” to serve as waypoints for visitors. These waypoints created intuitive pathways that guided visitors through distinct segments of the space. A large-scale LED display lorded over the show floor, showcasing engaging content centered on the company’s sustainability initiatives, technological advancements, and industry solutions.
Interactive stations and well-placed informational screens invited attendees to engage directly with the machinery and understand its benefits. The design integrated dedicated meeting spaces to facilitate in-depth discussions, reinforcing the booth’s dual purpose as both an educational and networking hub. A sleek black and red color scheme underscored the brand’s professional and innovative image, ensuring a commanding presence on the show floor.
The exhibit successfully captured the attention of industry leaders and potential clients. The seamless blend of informative displays and engaging design elements provided a clear demonstration of Heat and Control’s impressive capabilities. Attendees left with a comprehensive understanding of how the company’s solutions could elevate their production processes while supporting sustainability goals. The overall impact reinforced Heat and Control’s deserved reputation as an innovator and trusted partner in the food processing and packaging industry.